SCience at Evergreen
Science at Evergreen
Welcome to Evergreen STEM+C (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Computer Science). This site was built by scientists at Evergreen to provide resources and details about science opportunities at the college and beyond. You can also find more information at the official Evergreen website The Sciences at Evergreen are interdisciplinary, inclusive and academically rigorous with high levels of student engagement. Most of all, we value hands-on learning. Explore this site to learn more about the opportunities for studying science at The Evergreen State College and join us!
Did you know that Evergreen science students . . .
Use our 1000 acres of forests and beaches, as well as our state-of-the-art Organic Farm and laboratories throughout their education...
Have direct access to sophisticated science equipment and do high-impact undergraduate research...
Publish peer-reviewed papers with faculty and present their work at local and national conferences...
Advance in their careers by going to graduate or professional school, work for state and federal agencies and non-profits after graduation...
Can earn three types of degrees: Bachelor of Science, a Bachelor of Arts, or a combined BS/BA degree...
Find success in the sciences and are retained at higher rates than any other institution in Washington State...
Work with award-winning faculty to engage in real-world research...
Have fun while developing important skills that employers want!
Learn more about Evergreen in this video: